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Showing posts from December, 2011

Beijing 2011

Salam       Alhamdulillah, we (family and I) were given the opportunity to visit Beijing for 8 days from 5 to 12 Dec this year. Boy I was so excited since I've been wanting to visit China. I heard a hadith which sounds like this, "Belajarlah kamu sehingga ke negara China" when I was young and that made me add China in my bucket list. Though most have agreed that its dhaif and  fabricated because the source of hadith is doubt-able, I have to agree that there are many things that we can learn from the Chinese. Its an 8-day full of new experience =)       Beijing is a big city. The population in Beijing itself is as the whole Malaysia. Unlike our country- a melting pot of races, Beijing is resided by Chinese from all over China *yes, China is big*. Approximately, there are 56 Chinese ethnics and Han is the majority. One of the unique buildings       Since we went in Dec, so we were welcomed by the snow. It was far too cold to compa...

Happy Birthday!!

Salam As everyone else, I am in joy when Birthday comes. Its the time when I feel most loved as I'll be receiving lots of du'a, wishes, calls and messages from family and friends. *you guys really did make me cry* Plus, this is the time when I get unexpected surprises! scary to think of it but am all thrilled and delighted to receive.hehe. This year is a bit special to me, I guess. Maybe because I'm turning 25. The age when everybody think as the age of maturity *not exactly, but this is what the society expects* and yes, I don't hide my age. I am very grateful with it. Everyday is a blessing. Everyday is a living chance given by Allah a.k.a the most precious gift we receive.The Time given by Allah for us to repent and become His 'abd. *certainly Allah Maha Penyayang. Nikmat Allah melebihi murkaNya* Among my new age resolutions: 1. Hope to become a more matured person =) 2. Love and appreciate EVERYONE I know *Islam promotes love* 3. Smile everyday =) 4. To give out...