As everyone else, I am in joy when Birthday comes. Its the time when I feel most loved as I'll be receiving lots of du'a, wishes, calls and messages from family and friends. *you guys really did make me cry*
Plus, this is the time when I get unexpected surprises! scary to think of it but am all thrilled and delighted to receive.hehe.
This year is a bit special to me, I guess. Maybe because I'm turning 25. The age when everybody think as the age of maturity *not exactly, but this is what the society expects* and yes, I don't hide my age. I am very grateful with it. Everyday is a blessing. Everyday is a living chance given by Allah a.k.a the most precious gift we receive.The Time given by Allah for us to repent and become His 'abd. *certainly Allah Maha Penyayang. Nikmat Allah melebihi murkaNya*
Among my new age resolutions:
1. Hope to become a more matured person =)
2. Love and appreciate EVERYONE I know *Islam promotes love*
3. Smile everyday =)
4. To give out more presents to others (family and friends) *lets see who those lucky people are*
5. More dua for..ehem..soleh husband-to-be *boleh kan???*
6. Wise money management *penting!!*
7. Help those in need. *penting!!*
8. Better communication skills.. *I work with people everyday*
9. Make every single day worth it!!
10.......... lets just say others are not to be revealed here =)
So, Bismillahirrahmannirahim. Happy Bday to me. May I be a better Muslim everyday =)
hehe. one of the unexpected suprise. 35 instead of 25.
As everyone else, I am in joy when Birthday comes. Its the time when I feel most loved as I'll be receiving lots of du'a, wishes, calls and messages from family and friends. *you guys really did make me cry*
Plus, this is the time when I get unexpected surprises! scary to think of it but am all thrilled and delighted to receive.hehe.
This year is a bit special to me, I guess. Maybe because I'm turning 25. The age when everybody think as the age of maturity *not exactly, but this is what the society expects* and yes, I don't hide my age. I am very grateful with it. Everyday is a blessing. Everyday is a living chance given by Allah a.k.a the most precious gift we receive.The Time given by Allah for us to repent and become His 'abd. *certainly Allah Maha Penyayang. Nikmat Allah melebihi murkaNya*
Among my new age resolutions:
1. Hope to become a more matured person =)
2. Love and appreciate EVERYONE I know *Islam promotes love*
3. Smile everyday =)
4. To give out more presents to others (family and friends) *lets see who those lucky people are*
5. More dua for..ehem..soleh husband-to-be *boleh kan???*
6. Wise money management *penting!!*
7. Help those in need. *penting!!*
8. Better communication skills.. *I work with people everyday*
9. Make every single day worth it!!
10.......... lets just say others are not to be revealed here =)
So, Bismillahirrahmannirahim. Happy Bday to me. May I be a better Muslim everyday =)
hehe. one of the unexpected suprise. 35 instead of 25.