Salam. Alhamdulillah. I'm trying my best to read the Quran, if possible with tafseer as well, everyday and its a requirement in my daily list which I call Istiqamah list. The list is more or less like a reminder which I would always have in my organizer. It has to be fulfilled everyday and if one of the events is not completed, I would have to replace it with any other activities which "I" feel equivalent. So, as I was reading the tafseer a flash came in mind to the very first event which had REALLY called me to open the tafseer up. What was it? It was when I asked myself four years ago, "Di mana kau Ya Allah? (Where are you Allah?)". I was in state of confusion between believing in God which my parents, family, teachers and lecturers have always believed and as for myself, I don't feel His existence (during that time)... when I most needed someone to understand my feelings, I don't want human but I want GOD! But, where could You be? I need a listener t...