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Ramadhan Kareem

On the 5th day Ramadhan I was still asking myself "what does fasting really means to me..."

Is fasting just to "seal" everything up and be sympathy towards others in need or... to discipline myself? but..hmm..discipline oneself can be done in many other ways. Allah can't be cruel, not to let us eat during day time JUST to discipline ourselves. Allah is Ar-Rahman (Maha Pengasih).

What is fasting? Why do I have to fast???


Thinking about this, it reminds me that I used to ask myself, during the umrah, about Sa'ie.

"Why do I have to perform Sa'ie?? Well, its just walking/ little run from Safa to Marwah. Why?? Why do I have to do this???"

As a person who appreciates time, I believe that every single second is precious. There are just so many good things to do in every single minute. But, having to perform Sa'ie takes more than 30 minutes, everyone who performs it has to walk back and forth from Safa to Marwah, 7 times.

If performing it is just to commemorate the story of Hagar who searched water for her son, I don't think its a relevant answer, for me. I believe there's a GREATER reason for it.


It took me some time to think of the answer. Few days without sleep, thinking of the possible answer while praying hard that Allah will accept my Umrah, eventhough I was questioning myself a lot, trying to rationalize every of my act.

Until one morning...

Allah answered my question, less than a second. Alhamdulillah.

Back to my question : Why do I have to perform Sa'ie?

The answer: Because Allah said so. Even Prophet Muhammad is doing it for Allah. and NO other reason. Everything is for Allah, because we are the 'abd. (isn't this concrete enough???)

and again, I've found the answer to my Ramadhan question.

Why do I fast?

Answer: Because of Allah. All of the sympathy and discipline the self is just merely a typical human reasoning, so that we are encouraged to do a certain act. Because no one can see Allah, that we try to find a reason to make HIM come in a form of that we "feel" that's the reason for doing that something.For instance, fasting as to be in the shoe of others in need.

Betul ke?

Hmm..Kalau dah kaya, hari2 pun makan sedap. Even during Ramadhan pun makanan penuh atas meja.

But if it is for Allah, automatically whether your rich or not, you'll know the way to balance your need..because in every act that one do it is JUST for Allah. least these are my points of view about fasting.

Ramadhan Kareem.
Fasting is worshiping Allah.

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