Looking at the current phenomena where zina (adultery) and booming of babies born-out-of-wedlock in Malaysia and around the world is just a proof of humiliating events that are happening.
The United States ,itself, agree that their out- of -wedlock births is at all time-high, for the counting of 4 out of 10 babies in 2005 (according to a news). What about now in 2010? What about Malaysia?
Frankly speaking, this is a phenomenon that is growing and should be looked seriously by everyone. Yes, EVERYONE . Perhaps we have not reached as much as the US but its worrying because the possibility is just around the corner.
According to a reliable source, in 2007, there were 79 reported cases of baby-dumping (this sounds pathetic) in Malaysia and 4 were reported as abortion. These were the reported cases and deep in me, I believe the number is bigger than this and its just that many are keeping it as a hush-hush news (not reported and silence).
I’ve been blog hopping and news hunting regarding this topic and one of the most depressing phrases used by many is “disposing of babies”. How more disturbed can I be?! We have disposable bags and now we have disposable babies. Wow! Let’s just throw the babies and let others do the cleaning!
So, how do we deal with the problem?
Ilmu..iman…amal… (macam motto sekolah plak..but hey, whats the use of having a motto yet we’re not using it? What a waste!)
But, yeah, those are my answers.
Strengthen the iman by seeking knowledge (‘ilm) and practice (amal) them.
I remember I read something about ‘ilm defined by a wise man in his writing. He said, “ilmu yang tidak bisa mendorong kita beristighfar bukanlah ilmu yang dikehendaki”. Agree!Knowledge which we gain and practice should be those which could make us closer to Allah, not those which create a gap between us and Al-Khaliq (the Creator, Allah).
Let’s pray that we’ll gain and increase our heart and mind with the right knowledge for the purpose of Allah. “O Allah! Make useful for me what you taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful for me.”
If only everybody practice the best of Islam.