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Why mosquitoes bite me?

While watching one of Nora Robert's movie just now, I can here the sound of the mosquito's wings just next to my ears. How would you feel when you hear the buzzing sound and knowing that its looking for the right place to land on you?

Without realizing, I was bitten for more than four times at four different places. Ouch! and they're itchy!and they swell...

Turned the Tv off and headed to my room, sat in front of my laptop and started to google on 'Why do mosquitoes bite me?' and below is list of mosquitoes attractants which I copied from

1. Dark Clothing
Many mosquitoes use vision to locate hosts from a distance. Dark clothes and foliage are initial attractants.

2.Carbon Dioxide
You give off more carbon dioxide when you are hot or have been exercising. A burning candle or other fire is another source of carbon dioxide.

3.Lactic Acid
You release more lactic acid when you have been exercising or after eating certain foods (e.g., salty foods, high-potassium foods).

4.Floral or Fruity Fragrances
In addition to perfumes, hair products, and scented sunscreens, watch for the subtle floral fragrance from fabric softeners and dryer sheets.

5.Skin Temperature
The exact temperature depends on the type of mosquito. Many mosquitoes are attracted to the slightly cooler temperatures of the extremities.


Mosquitoes are attracted by perspiration because of the chemicals it contains and also because it increases the humidity around your body. Even small amounts of water (e.g., moist plants or mud puddles) will draw mosquitoes. Standing water also allows mosquitoes to reproduce.

Let's have a look on why did the mosquitoes bite me just now.

Attractor 1: I don't really wear dark coloured cloth and I wasn't wearing dark clothes just now..still I was bitten.

Attractor 2: I was breathing at a normal rate, not doing any exercise.

Attractor 3: Could be..because it was after dinner.

Attractor 4: The only factor that I can relate to myself. I so much love scents of flowers and fruits. Like I always say to my friend, "I'm just too sweet".My shower gel smells of Passion fruit =)

Attractor 5: hmm... it was slightly cooler just now.

Attractor 6: Moisture..hmm..I don't think so. I don't perspire much.

There you go, 4 out of 6 reasons for mosquitoes to suck my blood =D

p/s: I am always pissed when mosquitoes bit me. Why? Because I've experienced dengue once and the fever is not a joke. Its lethal.

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