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Showing posts from July, 2010

Baju raya dah siap. Ramadhan?

Pagi tadi pergi ke JJ dan terlihat Kad Hari Raya sudah mula dijual. Hmm..Syawal sebulan lebih lagi, Ramadhan 11 hari lagi...mana yang patut di dahulukan nii?? Untuk persiapan Ramadhan, di sini saya ingin kongsikan sedikit bahan bacaan untuk kita bersama. Semoga bermanfaat. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari Ramadhan yang sebelumnya =) Taken from: Bagaimanakah caranya kita menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini? Persediaan yang rapi dan terancang sangat penting dalam menjayakan Ramdhan kali ini. Cara Persediaan : Iman 1. Taubat yang benar (Istighfar, meninggalkan maksiat). 2. Sentiasa berdoa Allahumma Ballighna Ramadhan. 3. Perbanyakkan puasa di bulan Sya’ban (Isnin-Khamis, 15-16-17). 4. Membaca Al-Quran (meletakkan matlamat satu juz sehari misalnya). 5. Mujahadah untuk bangun malam (beberapa kali seminggu). 6. Berzikir setiap masa, Al-Mathurat pagi dan petang (penggunaan tasbih sangat me...

Mamma Mia!

Since there's nothing much to do when everyone went out for work, I decided to treat myself with a movie- Mamma Mia! I know this musical movie was released two years ago but hey, I am the kind of person who is always left behind when it comes to entertainment. I might be watching Despicable Me in another three years..who knows. Mamma Mia is just too wonderful to watch that I cried few times. It reminds of me and my girl friends. And also how my Mama treats me so well, wanting to grant every of my wish. Here's one part which made me to tears. The chemistry between mother and daughter. More or less of how we are. Sometimes we're like cats and dogs, but most of the times we are besties. Love you Ma!

Jobless as a choice

Yesterday, a friend told me that my posting will only start in mid-August or early September. That means I have another month of being jobless. Well, it is not that bad (depends on the situation). As for my current state, it is much of a choice and it’s a way of paying respect to my parents’ option because they insisted that I stay at home. And as a reward for staying at home, watching TV whenever I want, do anything I want inside of the house and keeping the house clean, I am given pocket money and every of my request is granted! (that’s not that bad, isn’t it?) There was also a time when I feel I a little tense for being left at home, while others go out to work. Right after 8.30 a.m, it would be just be me and the silent house, and I have to wait till 3 p.m or perhaps 5 p.m before meeting them (my family members) again. Me? At home? (not that bad..) EVERYDAY? (this is bad). Not that I have never looked for a job, but many seems ‘unagreeable’ with my condition. For ins...

Siapa Maryam?

The very original version of my thought regarding ‘Maryam, Maryam …oh Maryam’ was back when I was 8 or 9 years old. It was when we were in UK, my family followed Abah to further his studies. Staying overseas was never easy, they say (though I don’t really feel the pain because I was too busy playing with my dolls). Malaysians or Asians would always feel glad when the meet people of the same region and this made them to get connected with each other. Just like any other students, Abah made a lot of friends while he was at the university, while Mama took great care of the four of us (it was only four during that time) at home. The repetition of ‘ Maryam ' in the title of this blog (back then I wish it was my book) does not only signifies that it IS my blog, but it actually refers to other few Maryams whom I met in life, especially in UK. The first Maryam would of course be me- Maryam A’dilla. The second Maryam is a friend of Mama who is a Singaporean whom we met in UK and t...

My first attempt in writing =)

Written on Monday, 5 th Nov 2007. This is my first attempt in realizing the dream that I have when I was young, that is to write a book called ‘Maryam, Maryam..Oh Maryam’. I did not actually quite remember when I said this but it was three and a half years ago that Mama told me about this. That was when I joined the foundation years of my course- B.Ed TESL. I do not know how this ‘Maryam, Maryam..Oh Maryam’ (MMM) is going to be as I have never given a serious thought about it. But, lately, I do realize that I’ve been actively involve in the activity of writing…no I’ll call it typing (as I use laptop). I’ve been trying very hard to improve on my writing skills as I know writing is a powerful way of disseminating an idea or thought. Nevertheless, one should have the skill. I’ve come to realize ever since before that I’m lack of that skill (not that I’m good in speaking neither). So, I’ve been trying my best to improve myself by reading books, magazines and ...